Wednesday, September 3, 2008

And the doctor's appt....

His ear infection is still in his right ear, but it's much worse. It caused so much wax buildup that she had to irrigate his ear twice just to see into it. At that point she said that the ear drum was bulging that he probably wouldn't have made it another night w/o it busting. :(

She prescribed a stronger antibiotic. She showed me how to irrigate his ear and I have to do that twice a day. She prescribed a pain med for his ear (which she gave him part of a sample of it in the office). She upped his tylenol and motrin dosage and told me to alternate it every 3 hours since the lowest his fever's been in the last 12 hours is 102.6 -- we have to get it down and keep it down. And lastly, she told me to give him 3/4 tsp of benedryl just to help him get some sleep.

I'm sooo glad I took him in.


Kris said...

Oh I am so sorry! To help w/ his fever you can also put vinegar in lukewarm water & sponge him down (w/ a towel for warmth nearby of course). I remember doing that to my sister when she was a baby & hit 104. Well, mostly my parents did but they had me help because they were so worried.

Also (I know you don't have your pump, but if you can do this it really helps) putting bm in the ear (and then lay him to where it can drain out) helps too. I doubt it would do it on it's own that far gone, but might help the meds along.

I'm glad you took him in too! Hope he gets better soon, poor thing...

Katrina said...

Oh my goodness Steph, that is really scary! I am soooo glad you took him in, too! :( Poor little guy...

Steph said...

Thanks girls for the good thoughts! He's in better spirits already. Kris, I should have thought of doing that with the bm.... I had to do it once for Kairi. And that's a great tip about the vinegar and water. We always just gave lukewarm baths w/ a tshirt on.

Right now the fever's down and I've got him in his bed. He's whining but not crying so I think I'm going to see if he'll fuss himself to sleep right now. I know that he'll sleep longer if he puts himself to sleep tonight.