Sunday, March 30, 2008

Eyes, MomMEEE, Eyes!

That's what Kairi screeched as she thrust her black-eyed peas back at me. I took a bite to show her that they were mmm mmm good, but again I heard, "Eyes, Mommy!, Eyeeeeeeeeees!!!!!!!" They're gross, didja know that?

But Alex didn't think so! He loved his black-eyed peas. He ate 1/2 an adult serving of black-eyed peas and an entire banana. He loves his food!!!

Remember to vote for Alex!


Kris said...

Blackeyed peas already! Wow he's growing up lol... Kalila hasn't had em yet... but neither Jas or I care for em so it's not at the top of my list of foods to make just yet lol. This next week is apples... Mmmm

Marni's Organized Mess said...

How could I not vote for that? That is so adorable. :)

Glad I found your blog. :)